Has your child turned 18 years old but requires further financial support?
Under section 66L of the Family Law Act 1975, a parent, grandparent or any other person concerned with the care, welfare or development of the child may apply for maintenance for the child from a parent.
The grounds to seek adult children maintenance orders is as follows:
- To enable the young adult to complete their education (university or other studies); or
- Because of physical or mental disability.
The Family Court determines the amount to be paid by:
Considering the child’s:
- subsistence needs;
- other financial resources;
- earning capacity;
- child’s likelihood of success;
- child’s course of study;
- health prognosis
Considering both parent’s:
- earning capacity;
- reasonable expenses;
- support obligations towards other dependents;
- income forgone by having a child live with a parent.
How will the payments be made?
The Court made orders, whereby the parent and child are estranged, for the estranged parent to pay a lump sum amount to the child. Other options for payment, is a periodic payment